career change

There's no shame in taking a "bridge job"

There's no shame in taking a "bridge job"

What do you do if you want to make a career change, but your current job sucks up all your energy? 😞

It’s a bind, right?

The reason you want to shift is also the reason you feel you can’t!

Either work is hijacking your time or is sapping any willpower you may have had, so you find it hard to take even small steps in a new direction.

In this situation, a “bridge job” can be a great strategy.  

Stuck in a jam in the rain

Stuck in a jam in the rain

I used to spend days like these crying on a bus to work. Grey, rainy January mornings on the way to somewhere I didn't want to go. Dreading the day and the week ahead, and asking myself "is this really IT?". I felt so trapped - and not just because we were stuck in a traffic jam with about eight other number 73 buses, fighting our way through London's Kings Cross. I was stuck in a career and life that wasn't one I felt I'd chosen, but that I'd somehow landed in, and I had no idea how to change.

Blurring the lines between work and play

Blurring the lines between work and play

Before I changed careers and when I was feeling pretty stuck, I landed on a great book by John Spencer Williams called F**k Work, Let's Play. It completely reframed work to me and helped me shake off a lot of the weightiness I was carrying around about "career" - even though, if I'm honest, I still didn't truly believe that kind of playful work-life was possible for me.

How to Change

How to Change

Navigating a big life upheaval such as a career change is never going to be easy. There are times where the uncertainty feels too uncomfortable or the magnitude of the task too big to bear.

In those moments, the temptation can be to tell yourself your current work situation isn't too bad, that maybe you could just stay where you are, and take the path of least resistance.

But if we really want to make a shift, we have to learn to navigate change effectively, accepting that it's going to be difficult and drawing on strategies to ensure we can do what it takes.