The dangers of trying to "find your purpose" and what to do instead

Purpose isn’t something you FIND, it’s something you CULTIVATE.

The idea that you can “find your purpose” can be obstructive in the quest for a meaningful life and career. It can mean you get lost in rumination rather than taking the actions that will lead to clarity. Navel-gazing on the sofa isn’t going to get you there but you can waste so much time trying (years in my case!)

And yet, purpose matters. A lot. According to Cornell psychologist Anthony Burrow, who spoke about this topic on a recent episode of the Hidden Brain podcast, people with a sense of purpose are less affected by stress or negative experiences, more attractive to others, more successful and can even live longer! 

So how do we cultivate purpose? Burrow offers three ways:

1.     By building on things we love doing, and noticing what we always find ourselves going back to – what subjects/causes/activities do you keep being drawn to? Might  there be a theme/themes emerging?

2.     By responding to an important life event, e.g. an illness, something big that’s happened to us or someone we know – what are the big life experiences that have shaped or influenced you? How might these feed into your sense of purpose?

3.     Through inspiration and learning from purposeful other people – who do you know who appears to live a purposeful life and how might they inspire your own sense of purpose?

Once we notice the seeds of a sense of purpose, the key is to feed and nurture it. Keep following your curiosity, doing the activities that feel meaningful and fulfilling, and tune into your inner compass so you can check you’re heading in the right direction.

As George Bernard Shaw said: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

And if you need help along the way, a career coach like me can help you navigate the journey of self-realisation.


I’d love to know in the comments what your experience of this is. Did you find your purpose or create it? And what does purposeful work mean to you?

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash